Tuesday 21 August 2012

"Prayer Must Be A Priority And Our Daily Habit"

If you are to achieve your purpose in life, you need to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer. Prayer is the catalyst for lift-off and the sustaining power when you are in a fight.
As children of God, we are strangers in this land because we belong to the Kingdom of God. Through prayer, God is able to speak to us and we are able to respond to Him. Prayer must not be a once in a while thing we do when there is trouble or when time permits. Prayer must be a priority and our daily habit.
Make a decision from now on to devote yourself daily to prayer.

Sunday 19 August 2012

"Know What To Believe"

You will need to follow these steps if you want to know what to believe :
1. You need to read the New Testament but please don't forget to ask the Lord to teach you and reveal Himself to you before you read.
2. Do listen to teachers or preachers who speak the Word of God which builds your faith and makes you love and appreciate God more.
3. Stop listening to lies when you have the feeling of not being loved as if the whole world is against you; or that you are hopeless/helpless.
4. Now, you have to listen to the truth and God's truth is His Word.
The truth is, God loves you even more than you love yourself. All your troubles have been caused by the devil, and your ignorance, NOT BY GOD!

"Triumph Over Trouble"

All of us who are called by His Name will face difficulties inevitably, but Jesus always gives us the victory! Our troubles are temporary and endurable as we tap His resources of peace during our pain.
I have failed His test but I didn't give up. Yes! I fell - many times in fact but He was always there to pick me up - I am truly in awe by His promises to provide courage and confidence based on the fact that He has "overcome the world". We are a fallen race living in a fallen place - but be of good cheer. He has overcome the world!
If you are "in Him", the world's assault cannot stand against the race, confidence, and peace that He has generously provides.

Saturday 18 August 2012

"Something Better Is Coming Tomorrow"

Our confident expectation is in God, who sees, knows and will ultimately turn an upside-down world right-side up at the appearing of our Lord. Every righteous decision will be rewarded. Every wrong choice will be judged and every motive will be revealed.
No leader, pastor, family, or spouse can be everything that we hope and dream they will be. People, places, positions always let us down. Only Jesus is worthy of all our hopes and all our confidence. Maybe you find yourself a little down today - Take heart! Lift up your eyes, set your hope fully on Jesus because something better is coming tomorrow.

"Speak The Word Of God"

We must speak God's Word to actively resist doubt, so ut won't defeat us. The Bible says, "Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says". We need to personalize the Bible, and act on it. To accomplish this, we must first speak in agreement with what the Bible says.

Confess This With Me :
In Jesus' Name I bind you satan and forbid you to bother me in any way.
Bible Scripture : [Mark 16:17] [James 4:7]

"DIVINE MOMENTS" ~ Holy Spirit

"DIVINE MOMENTS" ~ Holy Spirit
[Galatians 5:16-17]
Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are opposite of what the sinful nature desires.

Friday 17 August 2012

"You Are A New Creature In Christ"

All through the Bible, we read about the new things God has given us. The Christian life is all about being new, different , and changed. When we confess Christ as Savior, God connects us with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ and the power of sin in our life is broken. Sin may try to get our attention but it cannot boss us around anymore. In Christ you have the power to be the person God wants you to be. No pattern of thinking holds you. No pattern of behavior enslaves you. The power that raised Jesus from the dead now gives you the freedom to do what is right. God has declared you a new creature in Christ Jesus.